Language: Latin
Runtime: 1h 42 minutes
Format: Mp3
By: Amelie Rosengren and Daniel Pettersson
Read by: Daniel Pettersson
This is a studio recording of Pugio Bruti — A Crime Story in Easy Latin, with a runtime of 102 minutes.
Pugio Bruti is a crime story written all in easy Latin about a young woman in Ancient Rome who goes out to find the secret behind the dagger her father left her just before his death.
With the audio, you can practice your listening comprehension, read along with the narrator to practice your own pronunciation, or listen for the pure enjoyment of listening to a good story in Latin. It works very well on its own as a pure audiobook or you can use it as a complement to the physical book.
This audiobook is also available as part of the subscription for the Latin audiobook and ebook app Legentibus. Find out more here.